Aug 27, 2012
Nonii.... Valminud on selle kuu videotervitus. Milline näeb välja kohvikuõu ja millega seal veel enne avamist tegeldakse? Vaata järgi...Fresh videogreetings from Kampala! How does Pop Up compound look like and what is going on there before the opening?
Ühtlasi saime valmis ka uue eelarve, mis nõuab nukralt 3000 eurot eelarvelisa. Sellega saab tutvuda SIIN (lehekülje allservas).
Selle murettekitava uudisega käib kaasas aga ka hea uudis - kohvikus saab olema kolm lisalauda ja viis lisatooli, mis ootavad nimesid! Enda või sõbranimelise tooli Pop Up´i saad soetada SIIN..
ja viimaks veel, avalikustatud ka juuni-juuli kohvikuaruanne.
We also published the new budget, which refers to the project lacking 3000 euro, as declared in the video. Please have a look at it HERE (at the bottom of the page).
These bad news are accompanied by some better news - there will be 3 extra tables and 5 extra chairs at the Pop Up which are waiting to be named! You can buy one carrying your friends name from HERE.
Super töö! I might have missed it, but shouldn't your running costs include equipment/asset depreciation?
Hei! You´re right, it´s not there. These cost will be there, I´m sure and should be added. Thanks!
but I also accept that this budget does not include everything - it is tentative and all items and numbers are general ones to illustrate the big picture of the situation.