Feb 14, 2013
Võitlustulle astub Aliine Lotman!
Aliine on 23.a värskelt antropoloogia kraadi omandanud aktiivne noor naine, kes on kirglik toiduvaldkonna huviline, on teavitanud Eesti noori arengumaadesse puutuvatel teemadel ning omab lisaks veel ka põgusat Lõuna-Aafrikas elamise kogemust.
Aliine sõidab Ugandasse aprilli alguses ning jääb Pop Upi juhtima kümneks kuuks!
Aliine peamiseks ülesandeks saab olema kohviku turustamine ning seeläbi kohviku käibe tõstmine. Oma vabatahtliku perioodi teisel poolel koolitab Aliine välja endale kohaliku järglase.
Aliine is a 23 year old young active lady who has freshly received her degree in anthropology. She is passionate about food, has been working on raising awareness on development countries among the youth in Estonia, and on top of that has a brief experience of living in South-Africa.
Aliine will be travelling to Uganda in early April and will be volunteering for Pop Up for 10 months!
Her main task will be the marketing of the Cafè whereby increasing its revenue. During the second half of her voluntary period, Aliine will be selecting and training a Ugandan manager who would take over her responsibilities.
Go, Aliine, go!
The deal is made! Siisi and Aliine |